Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 30: Pasadena, TX

Alrighty! Coming to you live from PASADENA, TEXAS. My area is called Pasadena North, and we cover north Pasadena (obviously), Deer Park, and La Porte. My new companion is Hermana Bushman! She is from American Fork, and has been on her mission about 4 months. So she just got out of training and I'm her follow-up trainer. She is really hardworking and super funny so we're getting along great! This week was super hard, but super successful!

-The first day Hermana Bushman and I sat down and she told me about all the people we are teaching. Which didn't take long because there are only five (FIVE!) investigators, and none are progressing. Suuuuuper different than West Lake Houston, where we had five progressing investigators, and some 20 something others. So this week we really hit the pavement and did A LOT of finding. It was successful though, and we found and taught 10 new investigators, plus found a lot more to go back and teach this week.

-WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. Wednesday a missionary conference was held with all the missionaries in the world! We listened to Neil L. Andersen, David A. Bednar, Dallin H. Oaks, and some other general authorities. The main theme was teaching repentance and baptizing converts. It was really inspiring and motivating, and I learned a lot of things that I want to take and apply into my missionary work. But at the same time, everything they talked about is in Preach My Gospel! This book really is revelation and inspired from God.

-We set some really high goals for our zone, so we focused our zone meeting on Friday about HOW to reach these goals. Sister Burgoyne, the other STL, and I taught together about planting our roots in Preach My Gospel. The zone leaders taught about the importance of the Holy Ghost, and the district leaders taught about our attitude and faith. Basically just expanding on the things we learned a few days earlier in the conference. I think it went really well, and I'm excited to see the success in our zone that will come this transfer!

It was hard to be transferred, but after being here just one week I know that this is where the Lord needs me to be!

Have a super good week! I love you a lot!!

Love always,
Hermana Samantha Baker

The first night together, Hermana Bushman and I are getting ready for bed, when we realized we were wearing almost-matching nighties! (Mine has sheep, hers has dogs, other than that they are identical.) We were meant to be.

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